Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Courtney Love on Kurt Cobain: "I'd Kill Him" if He Were Alive

Courtney Love on Kurt Cobain: "I'd Kill Him" if He Were Alive

Seventeen years after Kurt Cobain's suicide, Courtney Love still has a lot of anger. In October's Vanity Fair, the Hole singer, 47, rants against her legendary husband for leaving her and daughter Frances Bean, 19, on their own.

"If he came back right now, I'd have to kill him for what he did to us," Love says of the Nirvana frontman. "I'd f***ing kill him. I'd f*** him, and then I'd kill him."

Shocking words from a widow still in mourning -- but Love says she gave Cobain too many chances when he was still alive.

"He tried to kill himself three times!" she exclaims. "He OD'd at least five times. I was the f***ing E.M.S. I was always sticking pins in his balls. I carried around Narcan!" (Narcan is the drug used to bring heroin users back to earth after a severe overdose.)

Love is also angry -- and distraught, and confused -- about her relationship with Frances, the daughter who legally emancipated herself two years ago. In the past, Love would write long, passive-aggressive Twitter rants, pleading for her daughter's love. Now Love has sworn off Twitter, and Frances Bean has been turning heads with her modeling -- but apparently, nothing has changed between them. Love shows the reporter Frances' old diary, which contains a list called "Things That Make Me Smile."

"Why am I not on it? Why doesn't she put 'watching old movies with my mom'?" the singer asks rhetorically. "All I can feel is how much I love her. I'd give anything to hear the sound of her heels walking down the hall past my bedroom."

When it comes to Frances, it's hard not to feel that Love brought the estrangement on herself. From the very beginning, she's shown an alarming lack of protective instincts: She lost a newborn Frances to protective custody, after telling Vanity Fair that she used heroin while pregnant.

You'd think that might have been a lesson in keeping her mouth shut, but Love -- who swears there were no drugs in her or Frances' system at the time of the birth -- obviously doesn't see it that way. Though she admits to some parenting flaws ("I never read to her!" and "Why didn't I ever take her to a Broadway show?" are just two of Love's regrets), she also says that Frances suffered from being rejected early in show business, losing roles at theater camp and being teased by other kids at school. (Via her lawyer, Frances told the magazine that none of these things were true.)

Love certainly has a talent for saying some pretty self-destructive things, whether she's threatening to kill her already-dead husband or trying to win back her estranged daughter through guilt and exaggeration. For the sake of her relationship with Frances Bean, we wish that Love would tone down the public rants... and, if possible, completely leave her daughter out of her upcoming tell-all memoir.


Izabella Scorupco Jaime King Jaime Pressly Jamie Chung

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